Home Inspections are not Pass or Fail!

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Real Estate

A home inspection is a valuable tool for buyers to understand a home better and plan for future upgrades or repairs. It may uncover major issues, influencing a buyer's decision. It shouldn't be used to renegotiate the purchase price intentionally. If a buyer notices issues like an aging roof, it should affect the initial offer, not a post-inspection price adjustment. However, hidden issues discovered during the inspection may warrant a price adjustment.

Every home has essential components that a professional inspector evaluates, like an AC/heating system. Buyers may not have the know to assess these on their own, but inspectors can provide details on age and condition, helping buyers make informed decisions.

Hiring the Right Inspector
As a buyer, it's your responsibility to hire an inspector. Start with your real estate team's recommendations or do your research, asking friends and family for suggestions. Read online reviews, and once satisfied, schedule the inspection after signing an offer.

What to Expect During the Inspection
Inspections usually occur within 7-10 days of an accepted offer. The inspector spends about 2 hours analyzing various aspects like walls, ceilings, and systems. Findings are compiled into a detailed report for buyers, sellers, and agents.

After the Inspection
Buyers should not fixate on minor issues. Disputes over small matters. Inspectors are hired to identify minor problems, so buyers shouldn't feel overwhelmed; it's part of homeownership.

Why Invest in Inspection?
Investing in a home inspection is recommended. The comprehensive report proves valuable, serving as a reference for homeowners in the future.


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